Young Women for Change (YWC) www.youngwomenforchange.org is the first young women’s movement NGO, established in 2011 by two young college students, Noorjahan Akbar and Anita Haidary.
YWC is an independent non-profit organization formed by dozens of volunteer women and men advocates across Afghanistan who are dedicated to empowering Afghan women and improving their lives through social and economical participation. YWC focuses on political empowerment, advocacy, training, and community involvement.
YWC’s vision is to promote gender equality, empower women and increase Afghan women’s social participation.
Anita reflects that:“the current context of Afghanistan is very unstable and economically dependent,” with a lack of rule of law and “lack of governmental interest in the inclusion of women in the sustainability and transaction process.”
Improving lives of Afghan Women
As a young NGO, works in Kabul, Jalalabad and Herat with 35 active Afghan members, and 15 international community supporters. YWC already has made many differences in the lives of Afghan women. YWC has opened the first ever women’s net cafe in Kabul and a learning center for women and men to teach literacy and language and computer skills.
In addition to awareness programs, in 2012 YWC held the first anti-harassment street march in Afghan history. YWC also held a protest to demand justice for women who have faced abuse and violence in Afghanistan.
Anita explains that YWC was started from a Facebook event and now it is visible in national and international communities. “The change began through the involvement and hard work of youth and community who had a passion to bring changes to Afghan society.”
Among these changes, according to Anita, is “that we see men and women are more involved in women’s issues on the street and on TV, radio, Twitter and Facebook.” www.facebook/ywc.af
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